Iridology is the science of studying and analysing the signs in the iris which reflect genetic and inherited traits.
Firstly, we look at the colour which gives the Constitution. Each colour/constitution has its weaknesses, deficiencies and potential disease tendencies.
Secondly, we look to see if there is a particular pattern or Disposition. This will further indicate potential weaknesses and show which systems need supporting.
Thirdly, we check if there is a Diathesis. For example, particular features such as a whitish ring around the iris, small white cloudy dots, spots or freckles or tiny red blood vessels surrounding the iris.
Once we have identified the Constitution, which includes the Disposition and Diathesis if present, we then look for individual signs appearing in the iris. Like Reflexology, the entire body is represented in the eye and certain signs may appear in specific areas related to organs or glands or the digestive zone. The shape of the pupil will also give a lot of information about the nervous system, the lining of the gut and internal organs.